
  • 关于(关于龙的成语)

    Do up扣; 系She helped his son do up the top button.她帮她儿子扣了衣服最上面的纽扣。Hang out晾出; 挂出She is hanging out her laundry.她正在晾衣服。Take in缩短;改小(衣服)She asked the dressmaker to take her dress in at the waist.她要求裁缝把她裙子的腰稍微改小一点。他得把它们改短些。Throw on匆匆穿上He threw on his T-shirt and ran out of the room.他匆匆穿上T恤,跑出了房间.Turn up把(衣服)改短The tailor turned up this pair of pants.裁缝把这条裤子改短了。Wrap up穿得暖和,多穿衣服His parents told him to wrap up warmly.他的父母告诉他要穿暖和些。Let out加宽(衣服),放长(衣服等)She is going to have her dress let out two inches.她打算把她的裙子加宽两英寸。Let down放长(衣服等); 将(衣服)加长Her skirt needs letting down at least ten centimeters.她的裙子需要加长至少十厘米。

    2023年7月19日 生活常识